Weight loss is one of the top-most concern of many individuals. Ever changing modern work style does not leave us with enough time and opportunities to take care of ourselves and our body. The weight lossprogram or the free diet plan that I will share with you in this post consists of a seven day diet regimeaiming to reduce your weight by 3-4 Kgs a week, consider it a rapid weight loss diet. This could be very helpful for bloggers, Internet addicts and IT professionals who spent lot of time working on their computers without burning any calories off their body. Anyone can follow this free diet program as it doesn’t aim at quick weight loss. Losing up-to 3-4 Kgs of weight a week is healthy weight loss. If you have been considering various weight loss solutions such as weight loss surgery, I recommend that you try this weight loss diet first and then only look at any other solution if it doesn’t work.
Please note the following points before you take up this weight loss diet regime.
- If you are not comfortable, you can discontinue the diet program on any day.
- You must drink at least 7 glasses of water everyday unless specifically mentioned to drink more in the regime below.
- Continue this program till you lose extra weight. Once you attain proper weight, you may either continue or discontinue the diet regime and follow it whenever you need to.
- This is one of the top 10 diet plans if you are aiming at gradual and healthy weight loss.
- This is a low carb diet plan. If you are suffering from any illness and require high carb diet, consult your doctor before you follow this weight loss plan.
- Don’t blame me if you don’t lose enough weight. Just continue the regime for another 7 days.
Seven Day Diet Regime – Targeting a weight loss of up to 4 Kgs a week
Day 1 [Fruits] – Day one of your diet regime will start with all fruits diet. You may eat fruits of your choice and in any quantity. There is no limit. Eat till your stomach is full. In case you don’t find fruits in nearby stores, you can substitute it with packaged fruit juices but avoid fruit juices that have preservatives in it, they don’t really do any good in this case. On day one, you must eat fruits ONLY and don’t forget to drink at least 7 glasses of water.
Note: The only fruit that will not be on your plate is Banana. Every other fruit is ok except banana. Don’t limit it to just one fruit, have as many different fruits you can.
Day 2 [Vegetables] – This is all vegetables day. If you prefer, you may have raw or/and cookedvegetables. Eat as much as you want to, no quantity restrictions. If you want to cook the vegetables, you may do so but avoid using oil while you cook. 7 glasses of water today also.
Day 3 [Fruits and Vegetables] – On day three, you will eat a mixture of fruits and vegetables. No quantity restrictions, eat till you fill your stomach. Also, eat one banana today, just one!
Day 4 [Vegetables, Bananas and Milk] – Today you will eat 6 bananas, 3 glasses of milk and small quantity of vegetables. In the morning, your breakfast will start with 2 bananas and one big glass of milk. You will follow this in the afternoon for your lunch. In the evening eat 2 bananas, eat vegetables and drink one glass of milk.
Day 5 [Rice and tomatoes] – Today you will have one cup of rice, six full tomatoes (medium size) and since you are having lots of tomatoes, drink 10 glasses of water today.
Day 6 [Rice and Vegetables] – One cup of rice and raw/cooked vegetables of your choice. It’s recommended that you eat rice in the morning and for rest of the day, eat vegetables.
Day 7 [Fruits, Vegetables and Rice] – On day seven, eat fruits, vegetables and 1 cup of rice. You may substitute fruits and vegetables with juices as well, but that is to avoid.
This diet regime works well by burning more fat than accumulating it and since it avoids all sorts of food items that eventually gets converted to fat to become a part of your body, the weight loss is faster and harmless.
Frequently asked weight loss & diet questions/answers
Q: Does diet and exercise help lose weight?
A: Yes! A diet that’s rich in proteins and vitamins but low on carbohydrates and fat helps you stay fit. Low carb diet helps reduce the excess fat from your body but it’s a gradual process and you must not expect to lose weight overnight. Exercising regularly helps burn calories and fat in your body and keeps you fit. Even a walk for 10 mins or climbing 20 stairs helps burn calories.
Q: What are the most easy ways to lose weight?
A: Some easy ways to lose weight is by controlling your diet and exercising regularly. Prefer a diet that’s low in carbs and at the same time doing exercise will create a deficit of calories in your body which will help in faster burning of the excessive fat from your body.
Q: Can drinking only water help lose weight?
A: Certainly not! Although water has zero calories it also has no proteins or nutritions. The only suggestion about water is to replace soda drinks with water. By only drinking water you should not expect any weight loss.
actually 7days Diet Program ni was introduce by my indian clique who suggest me a way to diet.. haha dia pun nk kurus sbb this September he will getting married. i've tried once to only eat vegetables n fruits all day long tp a bit difficult to me as i dun have peti ais to keep my tomato n tembikai fresh..(haha sian kan - after kawin hubby dh promis beli petiais).. err.. its only ALASAN.. sbb i xlalu makan tomato mentah camtu sebenarnya... wat i do is tonyoh tomoto di muka utk dapatkan kulit yg licin instead of makan tomato for diet....hahaha)